1.  What is web hosting?  See our Web Hosting 101 page!
  2. Will my site be mobile friendly?  It absolutely can be, but sometimes this depends on the theme that you choose.  Make sure to select themes in WordPress (or other software) that specifically say they are mobile friendly.  Always test from Android, iOS and Windows platforms.
  3. Will my site be cross-browser friendly?  It absolutely can be, but sometimes this depends on the theme that you choose.  Make sure to select themes in WordPress (or other software) that specifically say they are cross-browser friendly.  Always test in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, etc.  With Chrome, be sure to use Incognito Mode.
  4. Is there any charge for WordPress, Weebly and other softwares that are installed on my domain?  No charge!  It’s free.
  5. I have some ideas for finding a web site, but I don’t know how to ensure that the domain names are available.  No problem!  We can help you search and come up with various plans.
  6. What domain name extensions are available?  See a list at the bottom of our Find a Domain page!
  7. I have registered my domain already, but haven’t done anything else with my site.  What do I do next?  Answer:  We can help start your hosting and install a web design program for free so that your site has more than a placeholder page.
  8. Can you refer me to a developer for my specific web content needs?  Absolutely!  We have an entire network of developers who are pre-screened and can provide you with the specific e-commerce or other site feature expertise that you need.
  9. How do I set up a shopping cart?  We have built-in shopping cart technology software and plugins.  We can guide you if you contact us about your specific configuration.
  10. If you still have questions, please submit a request here and we might add it to the FAQ list!


*Please note per our company policy that any amounts that your team or you decides should not be applied to the domain beyond what we have expended would only be returned to you by a written check to the address on the given check.